A couple of pretty sweet-looking plugins have been released on the CFWheels site (http://cfwheels.org/plugins).</p>

I'm particularly excited about WURFL (love the name as it reminds me of a radio station's call signs :). It's a wrapper for the Java API for mobile device capabilities and features. It's one of those projects that I wanted to actually create a plugin for but, fortunately, someone smarter (and probably better looking, too) did it. 

Some other interesting CFWheels plugins released yesterday include:

  • UploadableFiles: Moves upload logic to the model. Pretty interesting.
  • LocaleRB: An easy way to use a locale class in CFWheels. Nice feature for translating a site across languages.
  • MaxMindGeoIP: Now, this just looks bad-ass. 

Those are a few of the newly released ones. So, if you're a Wheels user, do check out the new plugins available on the CFWheels site. 

Posted via email from self.is_a? Blog


Craig Kaminsky
Thanks, Marty! Glad it was useful.
Marty McGee
This was very helpful Craig. Thanks for the tips on these 4 CFWheels plugins, each is exactly what I've been looking for during my research and testing for a new enterprise-level project migration. Projects like Railo and CFWheels keep the CFML engine trekking. Thanks again.